Encapsulation in Python
Encapsulation is the concept of restricting direct access to an object’s data and methods to protect data integrity.
Access Modifiers
- Private: Accessible only within the class.
- Protected: Accessible within the class and its subclasses.
- Public: Accessible from anywhere.
Encapsulation without Access Modifiers
class Product: def __init__(self, name, price): # Public attributes (default) self.name = name self.price = price def display_product(self): # Method to display product details print(f"Product: {self.name}, Price: {self.price}") p1 = Product("Laptop", 75000) # Create object p1.display_product() # Output: Product: Laptop, Price: 75000
Encapsulation with Access Modifiers
Definition: Variables or methods prefixed with __
are private and not accessible directly outside the class.
class Bank: def __init__(self): self.__bank_name = "State Bank of India" # Private attribute def get_bank_name(self): # Access private attribute within the class print(self.__bank_name) b1 = Bank() # Create object b1.get_bank_name() # Output: State Bank of India # print(b1.__bank_name) # Error: Cannot access private attribute directly
Definition: Variables or methods prefixed with _
are protected and can be accessed within the class or its subclasses.
class University: def __init__(self): self._university_name = "Anna University" # Protected attribute class Department(University): def display_university_name(self): # Access protected attribute in the subclass print(f"Department belongs to: {self._university_name}") d1 = Department() # Create subclass object d1.display_university_name() # Output: Department belongs to: Anna University
Definition: Variables or methods without any prefix are public and accessible from anywhere.
class Library: def __init__(self): self.library_name = "Central Library" # Public attribute class Section(Library): pass # Inherits everything from Library s1 = Section() # Create subclass object print(s1.library_name) # Output: Central Library